Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pregnancy is taking it's toll during week 27

Cankles, Tears, and Bellytime:
Some most recent swelling-age going on here, wha? Sick! I blame working 12 hour shifts and running around like a chicken with my head cut off. This is what I am left with at the end of the day: Joys!
I have also been more hormonal and crying at stupid things as of lately. Sigh...just another one of those exciting moments in the pregnancy world....

Here's big belly me at 27 weeks. I can barely bend over without some major push using my arms off surrounding objects. People keep saying "you're not big, just you wait" ... I can't even imagine...

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  1. Hehehe. Those people are right, you ain't seen nothing yet. Just when you think you can't get any bigger, you will. Good luck with the swelling!

  2. You are a cute pregger woman! You always feel bigger than you look!

  3. I'm getting the swollen feet thing too. Oh joy is right. The things we endure for these little ones! You're looking radiant, though and I'm so happy things are going well.

  4. @soybean -grrrrrrreat....thanks for tossing reality back at me....Here I go, only 3 more months

    @emily -I do feel bigger than I look. I remember feeling huge back when I was 15 weeks, sigh, I was nothing but slightly pudgy then, now? sigh...

    @kaylene - Ahh a sister in the summer pregnancy group! I am elated for you and your bundle of joy, I think we are going to LOVE being mommies. Maybe after the post-partum shock that our lives will never be the same, the hormones tame themselves, and we sleep more than 4 hours each night. sigh...yep, it's going to be GREAT :)
