Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hazmat Day Boston Style

So Hazmat day in Boston turned out to be more hands on than my prior experience. Since I learned about responding to natural disasters etc from training at the Hop and having worn the fun decontamination suit, I decided, I'd help those who haven't had the experience get all snazzy-ed up... Aren't they cute!?
We totally built this huge decontamination unit (below) in less than 30mins and it all came out of a small trailer...pretty fancy stuff.

Here they are assimilating the non-walking patient that arrives at the hospital and needs decontamination from who knows what...Here's the first spot the patient comes to the decon tent...bye bye contaminated clothes...

Josey, too small for her suit


  1. It's even better on your blog with the descriptions!!! seriously, I can't wait (hopefully I get to do this)

  2. Wow, now that's training... sigh me up!
